Why TOKatives? Why a blog?

 Greetings dwellers into the land of TOK!

My colleague Eda and I are exploring summative assessment for the new TOK class we are taking - new curriculum, tied to May 2022 examinations - through the purposeful and skilled use of digital platforms. Namely, students (and us) choose a single platform they are already using/familiar with/like (Youtube, Tumbler, Blogger, Instagram, Twitter, Google Doc/Site land, etc.), and evidence their class reflections through said platform/account. Each few weeks, as we move through the different stages of the course/unit, they would be logging in their reflections, and sharing them with their peers - for further reflections. This way, we aim at creating a community of learners - young and old - while we navigate a new course within a new academic year, with the added caveat of the distance learning model the current pandemic is asking of us to implement. At the same time, we have fun, since TOK is really about striking a balance between how we learn and why we learn the way we do. 

For my part, I am choosing Blogger, since this is a platform I am most comfortable with - as a digital immigrant. It is one I have used in the past, with other classes I have thought, in particular when resource-sharing, and creating a forum-like space. And I hope to utilize that knowledge-basis, as I navigate my reflections through all of its features. 

More to come. 

ms. b. 
